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A clustered RCT of educational interventions on treatment of patients with acute poisoning in rural Asian hospitals


Selected aspects of quality and patient safety in management of asthmatic children and effectiveness of a health education intervention for caregivers in reducing recurrent attacks


Low dose versus high dose of Indian polyvalent snake antivenom in reversing neurotoxic paralysis in common krait (Bungarus cearulus) bites: an open labeled randomised controlled clinical trial in Sri Lanka


Efficacy of intravenous hydrocortisone administered 2 hours prior to antivenom as prophylaxis against adverse reactions to snake antivenom in Sri Lanka


Metformin for treatment of atypical antipsychotic induced weight gain: a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial


Efficacy of transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialisation (THD) over diathermy excision in the treatment of grade ii and iii haemorrhoids


A randomized double- blind, placebo- controlled study on the effects of a herbal toothpaste ( Sudantha ®) on gingival, oral hygiene and microbial parameters


Treatment of children with Typhoid fever: a comparative trial of Cotrimoxazole and Ampicillin in General Hospital Vavuniya.


Effectiveness of a parent implemented early intervention programme for autism: an option for a low resource setting


A prospective randomized comparison between low dose step-up and step-down gonadotrophin regimes in controlled ovarian stimulation


- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration