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The effects of thera band exercises on muscle strength, quality of life and anthropometric changes of myocardial infarction patients at institute of cardiology, National Hospital Sri Lanka


Effects of a combination supplement containing Lysine, Vitamin C and Zinc on oxidative stress, glycaemic control and formation of Advanced Glycosylation End Products (AGEs) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial


Computer Assisted Rehabilitation in Improving Hand Function in Patients with Stroke


Assessment of effectiveness of Japanese school-based food and nutrition intervention (Shokuiku) program among selected primary schoolchildren in Gampaha District, Sri Lanka: a cluster randomized controlled trial


Efficacy of education about labour process in changing clinical birth outcomes


LEAdership, Personal Growth, and Social Responsibility (LEAPS): A Character Development Intervention for Early Adolescents in Schools in Gampaha District: A Cluster Randomised Controlled Trial


Short term functional motor outcomes during high risk infant follow up from a single hospital receiving interventions through telerehabilitation; a randomised control clinical trial


Prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among primigravida antenatal mothers in Badulla district and effectiveness of a progressive muscle relaxation therapy in improving their anxiety, stress and pregnancy outcome


The effects of therapeutic exercises for pregnancy-related low back pain


Hydroxychloroquine for Post-Exposure Prophylaxis of COVID-19 among naval personnel: a placebo-controlled, randomized, clinical trial


- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration