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A Phase III, multicentre, international, randomised, parallel group, double blind cardiovascular safety study of BI 10773 (10 mg and 25 mg administered orally once daily) compared to usual care in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with increased cardiovas


SLCTR Registration Number


Date of Registration

24 Jun 2011

The date of last modification

Mar 03, 2019

Trial Status

Application Summary

Scientific Title of Trial

A Phase III, multicentre, international, randomised, parallel group, double blind cardiovascular safety study of BI 10773 (10 mg and 25 mg administered orally once daily) compared to usual care in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with increased cardiovas

Public Title of Trial

BI 10773 Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied

Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2

Scientific Acronym


Public Acronym


Brief title

BI 1245.25: BI 10773 Cardiovascular Outcomes Trial in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients

Universal Trial Number


Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority

NCT01131676 and EudraCT No.: 2009-016178-33

Trial Details

What is the research question being addressed?

The objective of the current study is to demonstrate non inferiority of two doses of BI 10773 (10 mg/daily and 25 mg/daily) compared to placebo with respect to first occurrence of any of the adjudicated components of the primary composite Major Adverse Cardiovascular Event endpoint (cardiovascular death, non fatal stroke, nonfatal myocardial infarction) in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and increased cardiovascular risk

Type of study


Study design


Randomized controlled trial


Double blinded







Study Phase

Phase 3

Intervention(s) planned

BI 10773 10 mg, Once Daily and BI 10773 25 mg, Once Daily Control: Placebo

Inclusion criteria

  1. Diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus prior to informed consent
  2. Male and female patients on diet and exercise regimen who are drug-naïve or pre-treated with any background therapy. Antidiabetic therapy has to be unchanged for 12 weeks prior to randomization. If insulin is part of the background therapy, the insulin total daily prescribed dose should not be chaged within the 12 weeks prior to randomisation by more than 10% daily from the baseline value at randomisation
  3. HbA1c of ?7.0% and ?10% at Visit 1 (screening) for patients on background therapy or HbA1c of ?7.0% and ? 9.0% At Visit 1 (screening) for drug-naïve patients.
  4. Age ?18 years
  5. BMI ?45 kg/m2 (Body Mass Index) at Visit 1 (Screening)
  6. Signed and dated written informed consent by date of Visit 1 in accordance with GCP and local legislation.
  7. In addition to the above described criteria, patients must have high cardiovascular risk, defined as at least one of the following: • Confirmed history of myocardial infarction (>2 months prior to informed consent) • Evidence of multivessel coronary artery disease, in 2 or more major coronary arteries, irrespective of the revascularization status, i.e. a) Either the presence of a significant stenosis (imaging evidence of at least 50% narrowing of the luminal diameter measured during a coronary angiography or a multi-sliced computed tomography angiography), in 2 or more major coronary arteries, b) Or a previous revascularisation (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with or without stent, or coronary artery bypass grafting) at least 2 months ago, in 2 or more major coronary arteries, c) Or the combination of previous revascularisation in one major coronary artery at least 2 months ago (percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty with or without stent, or coronary artery bypass grafting), and the presence of a significant stenosis in another major coronary artery (imaging evidence of at least 50% narrowing of the luminal diameter measured during a coronary angiography or a multi-sliced computed tomography angiography), Note: A disease affecting the left main coronary artery is considered as a 2-vessel disease. • Evidence of a single vessel coronary artery disease with: a) The presence of a significant stenosis i.e. the imaging evidence of at least 50% narrowing of the luminal diameter of one major coronary artery in patients not subsequently successfully revascularised (measured during a coronary angiography or a multi-sliced computed tomography angiography) b) And at least one of the following (either (i) or (ii)): i. A positive non invasive stress test, confirmed by either: 1. A positive exercise tolerance test in patients without a complete left bundle branch block, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, or paced ventricular rhythm, or 2. A positive stress echocardiography showing regional systolic wall motion abnormalities, or 3. A positive scintigraphic test showing stress-induced ischemia, i.e. the development of transient perfusion defects during myocardial perfusion imaging; ii. Or patient discharged from hospital with a documented diagnosis of unstable angina within 12 months prior to selection Last episode of unstable angina >2 months prior informed consent with confirmed evidence of coronary multivessel or single vessel disease as defined above. • History of ischemic or haemorrhagic stroke (>2 months prior to informed consent) • Presence of peripheral artery disease (symptomatic or not ) documented by either: previous limb angioplasty, stenting or bypass surgery; or previous limb or foot amputation due to circulatory insufficiency; or angiographic evidence of significant (> 50%) peripheral artery stenosis in at least one limb; or evidence from a non-invasive measurement of significant (>50% or as reported as hemodynamically significant) peripheral artery stenosis in at least one limb; or ankle brachial index of < 0.9 in at least one limb.

Exclusion criteria

  1. Uncontrolled hyperglycaemia with a glucose level >240 mg/dl (>13.3 mmol/L) after an overnight fast during placebo run-in and confirmed by a second measurement (not on the same day)
    1. Indication of liver disease, defined by serum levels of either ALT (SGPT), AST (SGOT), or alkaline phosphatase above 3 x upper limit of normal (ULN) as determined during screening and/or run in phase
    2. Planned cardiac surgery or angioplasty within 3 months
    3. Impaired renal function, defined as GFR<30 ml/min (severe renal impairment, MDRD formula) as determined during screening and/or run in phase
    4. Bariatric surgery within the past two years and other gastrointestinal surgeries that induce chronic malabsorption
    5. Blood dyscrasias or any disorders causing haemolysis or unstable Red Blood Cell (e.g. malaria, babesiosis, haemolytic anemia)
    6. Medical history of cancer (except for basal cell carcinoma) and/or treatment for cancer within the last 5 years
    7. Contraindications to background therapy according to the local label
    8. Treatment with anti-obesity drugs (e.g., sibutramine, orlistat) 3 months prior to informed consent or any other treatment at the time of screening (i.e., surgery, aggressive diet regimen, etc.) leading to unstable body weight
    9. Current treatment with systemic steroids at time of informed consent or change in dosage of thyroid hormones within 6 weeks prior to informed consent or any other uncontrolled endocrine disorder except T2DM
    10. Pre-menopausal women (last menstruation ? 1 year prior to informed consent) who:
    11. are nursing or pregnant or - are of child-bearing potential and are not practicing an acceptable method of birth control, or do not plan to continue using this method throughout the study and do not agree to submit to periodic pregnancy testing during participation in the trial. Acceptable methods of birth control include tubal ligation, transdermal patch, intra uterine devices/systems (IUDs/IUSs), oral, implantable or injectable contraceptives, sexual abstinence (if allowed by local Authorities), double barrier method and vasectomised partner
    12. Alcohol or drug abuse within the 3 months prior to informed consent that would interfere with trial participation or any ongoing condition leading to a decreased compliance to study procedures or study drug intake
    13. Participation in another trial with an investigational drug within 30 days prior to informed consent
    14. Any other clinical condition that would jeopardize patients safety while participating in this clinical trial.15. Acute coronary syndrome, stroke or TIA within 2 months prior to informed consent

Primary outcome(s)


The primary endpoint is time to the first occurrence of any of the following adjudicated components of the primary composite endpoint: cardiovascular death (including fatal stroke and fatal myocardial infarction(MI)), non-fatal MI and non-fatal stroke


Time Frame: 4 years


Secondary outcome(s)


The composite of all events adjudicated: cardiovascular death (including fatal stroke and fatal myocardial infarction), non-fatalmyocardial infarctionI, non-fatal stroke and hospitalization for unstable angina pectoris.


Time Frame: 4 years


To determine the incidence of microalbuminuria and the progression of microalbuminuria to macroalbuminuria from baseline to end of trial.


Time Frame: 4 years


To determine the incidence of silent MI


Time Frame: 4 years


Target number/sample size

50-80 from Sri Lanka

Countries of recruitment

Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, France, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, India, Israel, Italy, Korea, Republic of, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Taiwan, Province of China, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States

Anticipated start date


Anticipated end date


Date of first enrollment

Date of study completion

Recruitment status


Funding source

Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals

Regulatory approvals

State of Ethics Review Approval



Date of Approval


Approval number

Not Available

Details of Ethics Review Committee

Name: Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya
Institutional Address:PO Box 6, Thalagolla Road, Ragama Sri Lanka
Email: erckelaniya@gmail.com

Contact & Sponsor Information

Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator

Mr. Sandeep Nair
Project Manager - Clinical Operations
Boehringer Ingelheim India Pvt Ltd, 11 Floor, Hallmark Plaza, Near Guru Nanak Hospital, Guru Nanak Hospital Road, Bandra (East), Mumbai -400 051
+912226456477 +912226456163


Contact Person for Public Queries

Dr. Partha Gokhale
Head-Clinical Operations
Boehringer Ingelheim India Pvt Ltd, 11 Floor, Hallmark Plaza, Near Guru Nanak Hospital, Guru Nanak Hospital Road, Bandra (East), Mumbai -400 051
+912226456477 +912226456163


Primary study sponsor/organization

Boehringer Ingelheim India Pvt Ltd

11 Floor, Hallmark Plaza, Near Guru Nanak Hospital, Guru Nanak Hospital Road, Bandra (East), Mumbai -400 051
+912226456477 +912226456163


Secondary study sponsor (If any)


Trial Completion details

Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?

IPD sharing plan description

Study protocol available

Protocol version and date

Not Available

Protocol URL

Not Available

Results summary available


Date of posting results

Date of study completion

Final sample size

Date of first publication

Link to results

Brief summary of results