Home » Trials » SLCTR/2013/002
Effectiveness of a culturally appropriate nutrition and lifestyle modification counselling programme for reduction of cardiovascular risk among patients with metabolic syndrome through a hospital based intervention
SLCTR Registration Number
Date of Registration
The date of last modification
Mar 03, 2019
Trial Status
Scientific Title of Trial
Effectiveness of a culturally appropriate nutrition and lifestyle modification counselling programme for reduction of cardiovascular risk among patients with metabolic syndrome through a hospital based intervention
Public Title of Trial
Lifestyle change programme for reduction of cardiovascular risk
Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied
Diabetes, hypertension, dyslipideamia, overweight/ obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases
Scientific Acronym
Public Acronym
Brief title
Universal Trial Number
Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority
EC-11-193 (Ethics Review Committees of University of Colombo)
What is the research question being addressed?
Do changes in lifestyle pattern including diet and exercise, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in patients with metabolic syndrome?
Type of study
Study design
Randomized controlled trial
Masking not used
Study Phase
Not Available
Intervention(s) planned
The trial will be conducted in 3 arms: (A) Control arm with routine care (B) Intervention arm 1 with diet and lifestyle modification counselling (C) Intervention arm 2 with diet and lifestyle modification with peer support
All participants will undergo the following: 1. Routine care by relevant clinics - Medication, advice on diet/ exercise/ foot care etc. 2. Assessment of anthropometric measurements – weight, height, waist and hip circumferences 3. Assessment of blood pressure 4. Biochemical investigations – fasting blood sugar, HbA1c, lipid profile, SGOT,SGPT, CRP 5. Assessment of Knowledge, Attitudes and practices regarding CVDs through a questionnaire 6. Assessment of dietary practices - 3 day diet diary, Food Frequency Questionnaire 7. Assessment of activity level 8. All the participants will be reviewed every 2 months for assessment of anthropometry, diet and exercise until 6 months are completed 9. Biochemical tests will be repeated for all the participants after 6 months
(B) Intervention arm 1- in addition to above activities for all participants 1. Participants in this arm will undergo individual counselling for diet & exercise and a plan will be given at the beginning of the intervention after the pre-assessment 2. Review every 2 months for adjustments in diet & exercise plan
(C) Intervention arm 2- in addition to above activities for all participants 1. Participants in this arm will undergo group counselling for diet & exercise at the beginning of the intervention after the pre-assessment 2. Reading and completion of an activity booklet - including facts on CVD, general advice on lifestyle change during the intervention period This intervention arm will receive additional peer support including: 3. Recruitment and training of peer leaders 4. Discussions on chapters and individual recordings in activity book – led by peer leader + Dietician ( ½ hr per session for 4 pre-arranged dates/ clinic visits during study period) 5. Peer support activity 1 - Health message to be send via SMS by Peer leader “Tobacco use, an unhealthy diet, and physical inactivity increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes”( WHO) 6. Presentation by experts (Peer support activity 2 - “Discussion on challenges to make behavioural changes and how to overcome problems in behaviour change” and Peer support activity 3 - “How do I increase my activity level ? ”) 7. Peer support activity 4 - Health message to be send via SMS by Peer leader “Engaging in a suitable exercise for at least 30 minutes every day of the week will help to prevent heart attacks and strokes” (WHO) 8. Peer support activity 5 -“Planning for a healthy diet” - A video presentation / peer group discussion 9. Peer support activity 6 - Health message to be send via SMS by Peer leader “Eating at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes” (WHO) 10. Peer support activity 7 - Health message to be send via SMS by Peer leader “Limiting your salt intake to less than one teaspoon a day, helps to prevent heart attacks and strokes” (WHO)
Inclusion criteria
Participant characteristics: • 35-55 year old males and females • free living -- non- institutionalized • residents of Colombo district • attending the medical clinics at NHSL • with metabolic syndrome (1) Raised Triglycerides >150 mg/l (1.7 mmol/l) or specific treatment for hypertriglyceridaemia. (2) Low HDL-cholesterol <40 mg/l (1.03 mmol/l) in males and <50 mg/l (1.29 mmol/l) in females or specific treatment for low HDL-cholesterol. (3) Raised blood pressure: systolic blood pressure >130 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure >85 mmHg or treatment for previously diagnosed hypertension. (4) Dysglycaemia: fasting plasma glucose>100 mg/l (5.6 mmol/l) and/or 2 h post-oral glucose tolerance test glucose >7.8 mmol/l or previously diagnosed type-2 diabetes. (5) Central obesity - classified as waist circumference >90 cm for males and >80 cm for females Presence of central obesity together with any two of the above (1-4) parameters are defined to have metabolic syndrome. • The following parameters diagnosed within 5 years of duration - elevated blood glucose levels, elevated blood pressure, dyslipideamia Comment 1) Participants must have all of these conditions. 2) The participants are randomized. Therefore we assume the participants who have variations among the presence of the parameters of metabolic syndrome are equally distributed 3) Also even there are changes in these diseases which are considered as cardiovascular risk factors, modification of diet and exercise which can be practiced in clinic setup is more or less same. 4) Since we are studying the overall cardiovascular risk, minor differences will not be of major significance. 5) Individual conditions are not considered as outcome indicators.
Exclusion criteria
Patients who are having • CVD events – Ischemic heart diseases, • past history of hospitalization due to CVDs, • renal dysfunction (Acute or Chronic renal failure) • Chronic diseases, • pregnant & lactating or planning for pregnancy, • non ambulatory to be excluded by interviewing & examination of clinic records
Primary outcome(s)
Improvement of metabolic syndrome in 15 % in the study population. |
[ At baseline and at six months ] |
Secondary outcome(s)
Change in composite CVD risk score, based on Framingham risk score |
[ Biochemical parameters to be assessed at pre and post intervention ( 6 months apart) All other assessments at baseline and every 2 months until the end of the intervention period (6 months) ] |
Change in BMI, waist circumference, mean systolic blood pressure/mean diastolic blood pressure, |
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Change in Fasting Blood Glucose, Low Density Lipoprotein, Triglycerides levels |
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Smoking: reduction in the number of pack years and reduction of percentage of current smokers, |
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Increase in number of portions of fruit and vegetables eaten , reduction in intake of refined carbohydrates, reduction of saturated fats and total fat intake, reduction of salt intake, reduction of sugar intake (Food Frequency Questionnaire) |
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Improvement in physical activity levels (in MET Equivalents using the general Physical Activity Questionnaire) |
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Improvement in knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding CVD risk and their risk factors (KAP Questionnaire) Comment Education through Activity booklet and advices for improvement during intervention |
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Target number/sample size
423 (141 in each arm of the trial)
Countries of recruitment
Sri Lanka
Anticipated start date
Anticipated end date
Date of first enrollment
Date of study completion
Recruitment status
Funding source
University of Colombo and Peers for Progress organization, USA
Regulatory approvals
Date of Approval
Approval number
Details of Ethics Review Committee
Name: | Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo |
Institutional Address: | No. 25, Kynsey Road, Colombo 00800 Sri Lanka |
Telephone: | +94-11-2695300 (Extension: 240) |
Email: | ethicscommitteemfc@gmail.com |
Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator
Dr. P.A. de Silva
Senior Lecturer
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo 25, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8
0112 691 581
0777 685 852
Contact Person for Public Queries
Priyanwada Amarasekara
Nutritionist's office, National Hospital of Sri Lanka, Colombo 10
0112 698443
0719 998 400
Secondary study sponsor (If any)
Peers for Progress organization, USA, coordinated by Monash University, Austrailia ,
Faculty of Medicine,Nursing & Health Sciences, Monash University, 3rd Floor,Burnet Building, Alfred
+61 (0)419 025 692
iphu_ascend@monash.edu, brian.oldenburg@monash.edu
Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?
IPD sharing plan description
Study protocol available
Protocol version and date
Not Available
Protocol URL
Not Available
Results summary available
Date of posting results
Date of study completion
Final sample size
Date of first publication
Link to results
Brief summary of results