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SLCTR Registration Number
Date of Registration
The date of last modification
Oct 06, 2014
View original TRDS
Scientific Title of Trial
Effectiveness of life skills training for adolescents: a community based quasi experimental study
Public Title of Trial
Effectiveness of life skills training for adolescents
Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied
Deliberate self-harm, teenage-pregnancy, bullying behaviour and aggressive behaviour among adolescents
Scientific Acronym
ALST (Adolescent Life Skills Training)
Public Acronym
ALST (Adolescent Life Skills Training)
Brief title
Evaluation of a secondary-school life skills education program
Universal Trial Number
Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority
What is the research question being addressed?
Does life-skills training improve adolescent coping skills?
Type of study
Study design
Randomized controlled trial
Masking not used
Standard therapy
Study Phase
Intervention(s) planned
1.To improve teaching quality teachers will be trained as trainers. A selected group will be trained as Master Trainers (MT).
• MT training programmes will be conducted with the help of Family Health Bureau-Sri Lanka (FHB). Principal investigator, Educational (subject) Director/s (Life skills) and Master Teachers (Life skills) of IG will be trained as MTs. MT training will be conducted as a three day interactive work-shop.
• Trainer (teacher) training will be conducted by MTs under the supervision of FHB and principal investigator. Minimum of one teacher from each school of interventional group (IG) will be trained to teach life skills. Teachers, who have already under gone a some type of a life skills training, who have experience in life skills teaching, who have experience in student counselling or who have interest in teaching life skills, will be given priority in selecting as life skills trainers. Trained teachers should function as the designated teacher for life skills of that school at least for next two years. Trainer training will be conducted as a three day interactive work-shop.
• Student training will be thoroughly and continuously supervised by respective Educational (subject) Directors (Life skills) and Master Teachers (Life skills) of IG and by the principal investigator separately. Standard criteria which use to evaluate teaching in department of education and special evaluation prepared by the principal investigator will be used in this supervision. Student training will be conducted over five years and all the teachers will be supervised at least twice per term.
2.Standardizing assessments
• Monthly and end-term student assessments will be conducted by Provincial Department of Education North Western Province (PDEdu) under the guidance of principal investigator and FHB. Process of student assessment will be thoroughly supervised by the principal investigator to ensure regular standard timely assessments. Marks will be entered in to mark sheets and sent to Provincial Department of Education through respective Divisional and Zonal educational offices.
3.Improving parental attitude towards this subject
• Regular parents meetings will be organized, at least once a term, at school level to improve parental attitude about this subject. The subject teacher will deliver a talk to emphasize the importance of this subject. This process also supervised by Educational (subject) Directors (Life skills) and Master Teachers (Life skills) of IG and by the principal investigator separately.
• A leaflet, which contains the importance of life skills, will be provided to parents.
4.Improving students’ attitude towards this subject
• “Life skills – Wall Paper” will be introduced to all the class rooms of selected grads. This wall paper will be maintained with the participation of all the students in the class, under the supervision of life-skills trained teacher of the school. In addition to students’ creations, a poster designed by the principal investigator, will be displayed on the same wall-paper. This process also supervised by Educational (subject) Directors (Life skills) and Master Teachers (Life skills) of respective educational zones and divisions and by the principal investigator separately.
• A leaflet, which contains the importance of life skills, will be provided to students.
• Certificate will be awarded, including monthly and end term assessment marks, in addition to student report cards, for the students in schools of IG.
5.Provide resources as teaching and learning aids
• Typing sheets, Poster papers and painting sticks will be provided as physical resources to prepare teaching aids, to all schools in IG.
6.Ensure the availability of student counselor in all IG group schools and providing resources to improve his/her counseling skills.
Inclusion criteria
Grade 6,7,8 and 9 students in Sinhala medium government schools in the Kurunegala District
Exclusion criteria
Students already diagnosed as having a learning disability
Primary outcome(s)
1.Students’ Perception about the training (using self-administered questionnaire) 2.Knowledge on life skills of grade 8 and 9 mid adolescents (using modified version of life skills of school going mid adolescent questionnaire, Amarasinghe 2010) 3.Life skills application ability among grade 8 & 9 mid adolescents (using life skills of school going mid adolescents questionnaire, Amarasinghe 2010) 4.Self reported suicide ideation and behaviors among grade 8 & 9 mid adolescents (using Standard Sinhala translation of The Suicide Behaviors Questionnaire- Revised (SBQ-R), Osman et al, 2001). 5.Self reported aggressive behavior among grade 8 & 9 mid adolescents (using Standard Sinhala translation of The Aggression Scale, Orpinas & Frankowski 2001). 6.Self-reported bullying behavior among grade 8 & 9 mid adolescents (using Standard Sinhala translation of The Modified Aggression Scale, Bosworth,Espelage & Simon, 1999). 7.Self reported impulsive behavior among grade 8 & 9 mid adolescents (using modified versions of the Life History of Impulsive Behavior scale (LHIB-Q20), Coccaro & Schmidt-Kaplan, 2012) and Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, Patton, Stanford & and Barratt,1995) 8. Mental health among grade 8 & 9 mid adolescents (using all three versions of Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire -self administered, teachers and parents) |
Secondary outcome(s)
1.Hospital admissions with Deliberate Self-Harm (DSH) from all 46 hospitals in Kurunegala District. 2. Teenage pregnancies as recorded in the pregnancy registers at 17 MOH offices in Kurunegala district 3.Suicides, with data collected from twenty eight police stations in Kurunegala District. |
[ Continuous monitoring will be done by regularly visiting 46 hospitals, 17 MOH offices and 28 police stations from 18th February, 2013 to 31st December, 2018. ] |
Target number/sample size
50 000 (Primary Outcome assessment sample size: 8000)
Countries of recruitment
Sri Lanka
Anticipated start date
Anticipated end date
Date of first enrollment
Date of study completion
Recruitment status
Funding source
South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration (SACTRC)
Regulatory approvals
Date of Approval
Approval number
Details of Ethics Review Committee
Name: | |
Institutional Address: | |
Telephone: | |
Email: |
Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator
Dr. P.H.G. Janaka Pushpakumara
Lecturer (Probationary)
Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine & Allied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka
Contact Person for Public Queries
Mrs. A.L.P. Weerasinghe
Provincial Education Office, NWP, Kurunegala
Primary study sponsor/organization
South Asian Clinical Toxicology Research Collaboration
Faculty of Medicine/ University of Peradeniya
0814479822 0814479822
contact@sactrc.org or enquiry@sactrc.org
Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?
IPD sharing plan description
Study protocol available
Protocol version and date
Not Available
Protocol URL
Not Available
Results summary available
Date of posting results
Date of study completion
Final sample size
Date of first publication
Link to results
Brief summary of results