Home » Trials » SLCTR/2015/008

Hypoglycaemic and antioxidant activity of the Siddha medical preparation “Mathumeha chooranam” in patients with diabetes mellitus


SLCTR Registration Number


Date of Registration

08 Apr 2015

The date of last modification

Oct 04, 2024

Trial Status

Application Summary

Scientific Title of Trial

Hypoglycaemic and antioxidant activity of the Siddha medical preparation “Mathumeha chooranam” in patients with diabetes mellitus

Public Title of Trial

Study of efficacy of the Siddha medical (herbal) preparation “Mathumeha chooranam” on diabetes mellitus

Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied

Diabetes mellitus

Scientific Acronym


Public Acronym


Brief title


Universal Trial Number


Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority

J/ERC/13/41/DR/0009 (University of Jaffna)

Trial Details

What is the research question being addressed?

What is the hypoglycaemic and antioxidant effect of the Siddha medical preparation “Mathumeha chooranam” in patients with type 2 diabetes in Vadamaradchy south west Piradesha sabah area, Jaffna?

Type of study


Study design


Single arm study


Single blinded


Standard therapy/practice





Study Phase

Phase 2

Intervention(s) planned

Participants will be recruited from the Rural Ayurvedic Hospital,Karaveddy and the Government Siddha Ayurvedic medical Clinics functioning under Vadamarachi South West Piradesha sabba, Jaffna District.

The interventional product will be prepared according to the Siddha pharmacopeia (P. Ramanathan, 2000). The collected leaves of Gymnema sylvestre (Small Indian ipecacuanha), Murraya keonigii (Curryleaf), ripe fruit of Pyllanthus emblica (Indian gooseberry) without seed and skin of the Terminalia chebulla (Chebulic Myrobalam) seed. The components will be dried thoroughly under shade and powdered. The powdered materials will be sieved up to 60/80 meshes and stored in an air tight container.

The maximum prescribed dose is 5g twice a day to be consumed with hot water after meals. The dose will be titrated according to the blood glucose level (if blood glucose <200mg/dl, 5g of the product to be taken once daily and if blood glucose is >200mg/dl, 5g of the product to be taken twice daily).

Total duration of treatment is 3 months.

Subjects will be requested not to seek therapy from any other alternative medicinal system (allopathic, homeopathy, acupuncture, and acupressure etc).

Inclusion criteria

  1. Diagnosed diabetes mellitus
  2. Adult patients between 40-70 years of either gender
  3. Fasting blood glucose equal or greater than 140mg/dl at recruitment

Exclusion criteria

  1. Diagnosis of other illness such as GIT, Hepatic, Renal, Endocrine disorders according to Siddha diagnostic criteria.
  2. Patients on allopathic drugs
  3. Presence of complication of the diabetes mellitus (chronic wounds, renal disease, eye disease and peripheral neuropathy)
  4. Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
  5. Those unwilling to come for regular follow - up for the entire duration of the study and any subjects considered not eligible according to the researcher’s discretion.
  6. Pregnancy
  7. Breast feeding
  8. Having child bearing potential (Age below 45 who are not on regular contraception)

Primary outcome(s)


Fasting blood glucose 2. Lipid profile 3. Alanine amino transferase 4. Aspartate amino transferase 5. Alkaline Phosphatase 6. Total antioxidant capacity of serum by Ferric reducing ability of plasma (FRAP method)


All investigations will be done on the 1st day, to establish a baseline, and then according to the following schedule.

  1. Every ten days for 1 month, then monthly for a total of 3 months
  2. At the end of 3 months
  3. At the end of 3 months
  4. At the end of 3 months
  5. Monthly for a total of 3 months
  6. Monthly for a total of 3 months

Secondary outcome(s)


Patient symptoms as recorded in patient diary: Thirst, hunger and frequency of urination at day and at night 2. Random blood glucose 3. Fasting blood glucose 4. HbA 1c 5. Urine for reducing substances (Benedict’s test) 6. Urine for ketones


Day 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 and then monthly interval up to 3 months


Target number/sample size


Countries of recruitment

Sri Lanka

Anticipated start date


Anticipated end date


Date of first enrollment


Date of study completion


Recruitment status

Complete: follow up continuing

Funding source

National Center for advanced studies and humanities

Regulatory approvals

State of Ethics Review Approval



Date of Approval


Approval number


Details of Ethics Review Committee

Name: Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna
Institutional Address:ERC Office, Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, Adiyapatham Road, Kokuvil, Jaffna Sri Lanka
Telephone:+94-212222073 (Extension: 342)
Email: ercmedjfn@gmail.com

Contact & Sponsor Information

Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator

Dr Mrs T Kumutharanjan
Senior Lecturer Gr 1
Unit of Siddha Medicine, University of Jaffna
Tel: 0214925190
Mob: 0777049458
Fax: 0212222294

Contact Person for Public Queries

Dr. R. Sivaraman,
Consultant Physician,
Base Hospital, Point Pedro

Mob: 0773601880


Primary study sponsor/organization

National Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanities & Social Sciences

6A, Sukhastan Gardens Ward Place Colombo – 07. Sri Lanka
Tel: +94112685850, +94112693974
Fax: +94112693975
Web: www.ncas.ac.lk

Secondary study sponsor (If any)


Trial Completion details

Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?

IPD sharing plan description

Study protocol available

Protocol version and date

Not Available

Protocol URL

Not Available

Results summary available


Date of posting results

Date of study completion


Final sample size


Date of first publication

Link to results

Brief summary of results

A paired t-test was used to assess the statistical significance between 0 week and final measurements. Paired t-test revealed that the fasting plasma glucose (p<0.001) and HbA1c (p<0.001) significantly reduced after “Mathumeha Chooranam” administration. Beneficial Effect of “Mathumeha Chooranam” is high in Pitha pirakruti. And least in vatha pirakruti. Hypoglycaemic effect is significant in all three pirakiruthies. Paired t-test revealed that the Cholesterol (p<0.001). Triglycerides (p<0.001), HDL (p<0.0013), LDL (p<0.000), Cho/HDL (p<0.045), significantly reduced after “Mathumeha Chooranam” administration. “Mathumeha Chooranam” also demonstrated a significant reduction in the Lipid profile of the study participants. The AST and ALT levels were well within the normal range, The Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) of the serum in the study participants significantly increased after 12 week of “Mathumeha Chooranam” intervention. ALP activity and serum creatinine level significantly decreased (p<0.001) in treated diabetic mellitus patients as well as in pitta pirakruti.than kapha and vatta pirakruti.The results suggest “Mathumeha Chooranam” to be beneficial for the treatment of type II diabetes Mellitus.