Home » Trials » SLCTR/2016/025

Efficacy and safety of thermotherapy by Hand-held Exothermic Crystallization Thermotherapy device compared to ThermoMed device, for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis showing poor response to intralesional sodium stibogluconate in Sri Lanka - A randomized controlled pilot study


SLCTR Registration Number


Date of Registration

13 Oct 2016

The date of last modification

Mar 03, 2019

Application Summary

Scientific Title of Trial

Efficacy and safety of thermotherapy by Hand-held Exothermic Crystallization Thermotherapy device compared to ThermoMed device, for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis showing poor response to intralesional sodium stibogluconate in Sri Lanka - A randomized controlled pilot study

Public Title of Trial

Study of the effect of heat for treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis showing poor response to intralesional sodium stibogluconate in Sri Lanka, by two devices (Hand-held Exothermic Crystallization Thermotherapy device versus ThermoMed device).

Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied

Cutaneous leishmaniasis

Scientific Acronym


Public Acronym


Brief title


Universal Trial Number


Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority

(1) EC/16/077 - Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka. (2) NMRA/CT/07/2016: National Medicines Regulatory Authority

Trial Details

What is the research question being addressed?

Is thermotherapy by the hand-held Exothermic Crystallization (HECT) device equally safe and effective when compared to thermotherapy by the ThermoMed device (localized radiofrequency induced heat device), in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis showing poor response to intralesional sodium stibogluconate?

Type of study


Study design


Randomized controlled trial


Masking not used







Study Phase

Not Applicable

Intervention(s) planned

Study setting: Skin clinics of selected hospitals in Sri Lanka.

Method of allocation: Patients who are enrolled to the study will be allocated to two arms using block randomization with a computer generated random number series with block sizes 4 and 6.

Arm 1 will receive Thermotherapy by hand-held Exothermic Crystallization (HECT), one application daily at 51oC for 3 minutes duration given for 7 consecutive days.

Arm 2 will receive Thermotherapy by ThermoMed device, as a single application at 50oC for a duration of 30 seconds.

Inclusion criteria

  1. Age more than 12 years and less than 65 years
  2. Parasitologically confirmed CL lesion
  3. Undergone at least 10 intralesional injections of sodium stibogluconate
  4. Form of lesion: localized nodules, papules, ulcerating nodules, ulcers or plaques and the number of lesions: one.
  5. Longest diameter of the lesion less than 5cm

Exclusion criteria

  1. Any known chronic or concomitant illness such as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, chronic renal or liver disease as determined by the investigators.
  2. Pregnancy
  3. Breastfeeding
  4. Immuno-compromised status including HIV co-infection and patients on immune-suppressants.
  5. Patients with more than one CL lesion
  6. Lesions which are on the nose or cartilaginous part of the ear or very close to the eyes and lips or which are situated lesser than 2cm away from a mucous membrane.
  7. Incapability of participant or the guarding to comply with the protocol as judged by the investigator.
  8. Anticipated unavailability for follow up visits
  9. Persons on pacemakers or having any implanted metallic devices
  10. Lesions which are infected

Primary outcome(s)


Proportion of initial cure rate in each treatment arm (defined as: Reduction of lesion size at least by 50% of the pre-treatment size)


Day 90 from the commencement of the interventions


Secondary outcome(s)

  1. Presence or absence of adverse effects in each treatment group. (i) Pain (using Wong-Baker visual analogue scale) (ii) Blisters, scarring and secondary infection (clinical observation)

  2. Proportion of lesions (papules/nodules/plaques) with 100% reduction in size compared with the pre-treatment size at each measurement time point (at each follow up visit)

  3. Proportion of patients with 100% reduction in size compared with the pre-treatment size of the ulcerated lesions over time

  4. Proportion who has achieved final cure (no lesional relapse by day 180)


Outcomes 1-3: At follow up visits on day 14,30,60,90,180 from the commencement of the intervention

Outcome 4: At the follow-up visit on day 180 from the commencement of the intervention


Target number/sample size

40 (20 in each arm)

Countries of recruitment

Sri Lanka

Anticipated start date


Anticipated end date


Date of first enrollment


Date of study completion

Recruitment status


Funding source

University of Colombo Small Research Grant (No: AP/3/2/2016/SG/13)

Regulatory approvals

State of Ethics Review Approval



Date of Approval


Approval number


Details of Ethics Review Committee

Name: Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo
Institutional Address:No. 25, Kynsey Road, Colombo 00800 Sri Lanka
Telephone:+94-11-2695300 (Extension: 240)
Email: ethicscommitteemfc@gmail.com

Contact & Sponsor Information

Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator

Dr. Hermali Silva
Lecturer, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, No.25, Po Box. 271, Kynsey Road,Colombo - 08, Sri Lanka.

Mob: 0772621361


Contact Person for Public Queries

Prof. Nadira Karunaweera
Professor, Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Department of Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, No.25, Po Box. 271, Kynsey Road,Colombo - 08, Sri Lanka.
Tel: 011-2699284


Primary study sponsor/organization

University Of Colombo, Sri Lanka

College House, University of Colombo No 94, Cumaratunga Munidasa Mw, Colombo 03
Tel: (+94) 112 581 835


Secondary study sponsor (If any)


Trial Completion details

Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?

IPD sharing plan description

Not available

Study protocol available

Protocol version and date

Not Available

Protocol URL

Not Available

Results summary available


Date of posting results

Date of study completion

Final sample size

Date of first publication

Link to results

Brief summary of results