Home » Trials » SLCTR/2022/018
A cluster randomized, placebo control trial to evaluate the efficacy of a spatial repellent (Mosquito ShieldTM) against Aedes-borne virus infection among children >= 4–16 years of age in the Gampaha District, Sri Lanka
SLCTR Registration Number
Date of Registration
The date of last modification
Sep 06, 2024
Trial Status
Scientific Title of Trial
A cluster randomized, placebo control trial to evaluate the efficacy of a spatial repellent (Mosquito ShieldTM) against Aedes-borne virus infection among children >= 4–16 years of age in the Gampaha District, Sri Lanka
Public Title of Trial
A cluster randomized, placebo control trial to evaluate the efficacy of a spatial repellent (Mosquito ShieldTM) against Aedes-borne virus infection among children >= 4–16 years of age in the Gampaha District, Sri Lanka
Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied
Aedes-borne Virus
Scientific Acronym
Public Acronym
Brief title
Spatial Repellents for Vector Control
Universal Trial Number
Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority
P/121/09/2021:FM,UOK: WHO: ERC.0003619 UND IRB: UND # 21-05-6629
What is the research question being addressed?
Does Mosquito ShieldTM reduce the incidence of ABV infection, as measured by DENV specific neutralizing antibodies, in children >=4-16 years of age whose sero-status to dengue at baseline is seronegative, indicating they have never been exposed to dengue, or monotypic, indicating positive antibodies to a single DENV infection?
Type of study
Study design
Randomized controlled trial
Double blinded : Participants, Investigators, Healthcare providers
Study Phase
Phase 3
Intervention(s) planned
The study will be conducted in clusters of households, who will be selected from three Medical Officer of Health (MOH) areas in the district of Gampaha: Negombo, Wattala and Kelaniya.
A total of 14,430 total subjects across 3,900 households will be enrolled for monitoring for active disease – labeled the ‘febrile surveillance cohort’. These households will form 30 clusters (15 allocated to intervention, 15 allocated to placebo control), each containing ~187 houses. A subset of this cohort, 3,570 (110-120 per cluster) subjects aged >=4-16 years that test seronegative (naïve) or positive to a previous single dengue virus (DENV) infection (monotypic) at baseline sampling will also be enrolled for measuring DENV infection based on laboratory-confirmed seroconversion – labeled the ‘longitudinal cohort’ All participating houses in each cluster will be monitored entomologically for adult Aedes aegypti surveys for 3 months before deployment of the spatial repellent (SR) intervention and monthly after the intervention is in place. Entomological surveys will include monitoring of indoor Ae. aegypti adult population densities and blood-fed status.
Mapping of the study area and census measurements: Prior to enrollment, all structures in the study area will be mapped using GPS coordinates and assigned a unique Household Identification Number (HIN). SR Intervention: The SR will be a new formulation of transfluthrin. This active ingredient (AI) is widely used in mosquito coils and other household pest control products worldwide. The new formulation is a passive emanator that will release the AI over a period of up to four weeks, Mosquito ShieldTM. The emanator will consist of a pre-treated piece of cellulose acetate or other medium, which will be positioned within consenting households according to manufacturer specifications of 2unit/9m2. A placebo product of matched design with inert ingredients will be applied similarly. Each Mosquito ShieldTM received directly from industry partner(s) will have a Unique Identifier Code (UIC) identifying the contents as having the AI or blank/placebo. Industry partners will ensure that the listing of UICs is accurate and kept strictly confidential. The intervention will be carried out for 24 months. Both SR and placebo interventions will be replaced every 4 weeks throughout the 24 months of follow up with intervention.
The external statistician serving on the Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) will use a random number generator to assign clusters to SR or placebo treatment arm. All households within the intervention arm (randomly chosen) will be assigned active products with all houses within the control arm (randomly chosen) receiving blank/placebo. Both participants and study staff will be blinded as to whether a study cluster is receiving the active SR or placebo product.
Inclusion criteria
LONGITUDINAL SEROCONVERSION Individual Level Inclusion Criteria: >= 4 – 16 years of age Plans to stay in residence and/or study area for a minimum of 24 months Resident of household or frequent visitor (~20% of day hours in house / month)
FEBRILE SURVEILLANCE Household Level Inclusion Criteria: • Adult head of households agrees to census, health visits and logging resident symptoms when febrile (or in the case of suspected Zika in the absence of fever, presenting with rash, arthralgia, arthritis or non-purulent conjunctivitis). • Individuals spend a minimum of 4hrs per week during the daytime hours or sleep in the house.
FEBRILE SURVEILLANCE Individual Level Inclusion Criteria: • >= 6mo of age. • Fever at the time of presentation or report of feverishness within the previous 24 hours or presenting with a rash, arthralgia, arthritis or non-purulent conjunctivitis (suspicion of ZIKA determined by project physician) • Individual who spends a minimum of 4 hours per week within the household or sleeps in the house.
ENTOMOLOGICAL MONITORING Household Level Inclusion Criteria: • Adult head of household agrees to surveys. • Properties where study personnel do not identify a security risk (i.e., site where abusive substances are sold, residents are always drunk or hostile).
SPATIAL REPELLENT INTERVENTION Household Level Inclusion Criteria: • Adult head of households agrees to have intervention applied inside the home and to provide access to team member at 4-week intervals to change products. • Properties where study personnel do not identify a security risk (i.e., site where abusive substances are sold, residents are always drunk or hostile).
Exclusion criteria
LONGITUDINAL SEROCONVERSION Individual Level Exclusion Criteria: • < 4 and > 16 years of age • Plans to leave residence and/or study area within next 24 months • Temporary visitor to household (<20% of day hours in house/ month)
FEBRILE SURVEILLANCE Household Level Exclusion Criteria: • Adult head of households does not agree to census, health visits or logging symptoms of residents. • Households where study personnel identify a security risk (i.e., site where abusive substances are sold, residents are always drunk or hostile). • Sites where no residents spend time during the day (i.e. work 7d a week outside the home).
FEBRILE SURVEILLANCE Individual Level Exclusion Criteria: • < 6mo of age. • No fever at time of presentation or report of feverishness within the previous 24 hours or not reporting with a rash, arthralgia, arthritis or non-purulent conjunctivitis • Individuals who have spent less than 4 hours in the household during the week prior to illness.
ENTOMOLOGICAL MONITORING Household Level Exclusion Criteria: • Adult head of household does not agree to surveys. • Properties where study personnel identify a security risk (i.e., site where abusive substances are sold, residents are always drunk or hostile).
SPATIAL REPELLENT INTERVENTION Household Level Exclusion Criteria: • Adult head of household does not agree to Mosquito ShieldTM deployment or study team access. • Properties where study personnel identify a security risk (i.e., site where abusive substances are sold, residents are always drunk or hostile
Primary outcome(s)
Incidence of Aedes-borne virus (ABV) infection assessed by serologic testing of scheduled longitudinal blood samples Seroconversion to dengue from baseline (pre-intervention) and follow-up (post-intervention) samples as well as ABV active disease rates will be compared between active intervention and placebo (control) clusters. The primary endpoint is the fraction of monotypic or seronegative individuals who seroconvert to an arbovirus during the follow-up period post randomization with intervention. Here, the intervention follow-up period is 2 years after initial deployment of SR or placebo. |
[ There will be 3 blood samplings from longitudinal cohort participants for measure of seroconversion: one for baseline serostatus characterization (T0), a second at 12 months (T1) and a third at 24 months (T2) from time of initial placement of intervention. ] |
Secondary outcome(s)
Clinically apparent laboratory confirmed cases of Aedes-borne virus (ABV) disease. Compare laboratory confirmed Aedes-borne virus infection rates in subjects residing in households with active and placebo product, receiving standard entomological surveillance and control procedures by the Ministry of Health of Sri Lanka, as an indicator for ABV disease. Clinically apparent is defined as an acute infection that causes overt symptoms (fever, rash, etc.) indicating virus circulation in the blood. |
[ For the longitudinal cohort participants, acute and convalescent blood sampling based on time of health facility visit when febrile throughout the intervention period. For other household members participating in febrile surveillance, case definition measured and reported whenever they visit designated health facilities throughout the intervention period. ] |
Adult female Aedes aegypti indoor abundance. Compare adult female Aedes aegypti indoor abundance in households using Procopak mosquito aspiration with active and placebo product as an indicator for reduced mosquito house entry due to effect of product |
[ Indoor mosquito collections in enrolled households once every 28 days during intervention ] |
Adult female Aedes aegypti blood fed rate. Compare adult female Aedes aegypti blood fed rate in households using direct abdominal observation by microscopy from Procopak mosquito aspiration sample with active and placebo product as an indicator for reduced mosquito human contact due to effect of product. |
[ Samples from indoor mosquito collections in enrolled households once every 28 days during intervention. ] |
Diversion of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes into untreated houses. Compare adult female Aedes aegypti abundance using Procopak mosquito aspiration in untreated households adjacent to treatment clusters (with active product) to untreated households adjacent to placebo clusters as an indicator for mosquito diversion due to effect of product. |
[ Indoor mosquito collections in enrolled households once every 28 days during intervention ] |
Overall incidence of Aedes-borne virus (ABV) infection. Seroconversion rates of all children enrolled in the trial, independent of order of infection (i.e., including tertiary and quaternary infections). |
[ Based on blood samples taken for longitudinal seroconversion and febrile surveillance from time of initial placement of intervention. ] |
Adverse Events (AEs) and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs). Measured by solicited and unsolicited reports during the trial period. Mean, minimum and maximum frequency and percentage of AEs and SAEs across clusters among enrolled subjects will be summarized by treatment arm. |
[ AEs and SAEs measured and reported for study participants as events occur throughout the trial period. ] |
Incidence of Aedes-borne virus (ABV) infection in subjects residing in households within treatment clusters but without SR product. Compare Aedes-borne virus infection rates between subjects residing in households with SR product in treatment clusters and subjects from the same clusters who did not agree to the SR application in their households but are receiving standard entomological surveillance and control procedures by the local ministry of health, as an indicator of community effect due to effect of product. |
[ There will be 3 blood samplings from longitudinal cohort participants for measure of seroconversion/incidence: one for baseline serostatus characterization (T0), a second at 12 months (T1) and a third at 24 months (T2) from time of initial placement of intervention. For other household members participating in febrile surveillance, case definition measured and reported whenever they visit designated health facilities throughout the intervention period. ] |
Clinically apparent laboratory confirmed cases of Aedes-borne virus (ABV) disease in subjects residing in households within treatment clusters but without SR product. Compare laboratory confirmed Aedes-borne virus infection rates between subjects residing in households with SR product in households in treatment clusters and individuals from the same clusters who did not agree to the SR application in their households but are receiving standard entomological surveillance and control procedures by the local ministry of health, as an indicator of community effect due to effect of product. |
[ For the longitudinal cohort participants, acute and convalescent blood sampling based on time of health facility visit when febrile throughout the intervention period. For the whole duration of the trial. For other household members participating in febrile surveillance, case definition measured and reported whenever they visit designated health facilities throughout the intervention period. ] |
Adult female Aedes aegypti indoor abundance using Procopak mosquito aspiration in households within treatment clusters but without SR product. Compare adult female Aedes aegypti indoor abundance in households with SR product in treatment clusters and households from the same clusters who did not agree to the SR application but are receiving standard entomological surveillance and control procedures by the local ministry of health, as an indicator of community effect to effect of product. |
[ Indoor mosquito collections in enrolled households once every 28 days during intervention ] |
Adult female Aedes aegypti blood fed rate using Procopak mosquito aspiration in households within treatment clusters but without SR product. Compare adult female Aedes aegypti blood fed rate in households with SR product in treatment clusters and households from the same clusters who did not agree to the SR application but are receiving standard entomological surveillance and control procedures by the local ministry of health, as an indicator of community effect to effect of product. |
[ Samples from indoor mosquito collections in enrolled households once every 28 days during intervention. ] |
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Target number/sample size
14,430 total subjects will be enrolled for febrile surveillance (7,215 per arm) across 3,900 households (1,950 per arm) that will form a total of 30 clusters.
Countries of recruitment
Sri Lanka
Anticipated start date
Anticipated end date
Date of first enrollment
Date of study completion
Recruitment status
Complete: follow up continuing
Funding source
Unitaid – Global Health Campus Chem. du Pommier 40, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Switzerland
Regulatory approvals
Not Applicable
Date of Approval
Approval number
Details of Ethics Review Committee
Name: | Ethics Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya |
Institutional Address: | Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya, Ragama, Sri Lanka |
Telephone: | +94 11 2961267 |
Email: | ercmed@kln.ac.lk |
Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator
Dr. Korelege Hasitha Aravinda Tissera
Consultant Epidemiologist
Epidemiology Unit,
Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
Contact Person for Public Queries
Dr. Korelege Hasitha Aravinda Tissera
Consultant Epidemiologist
Epidemiology Unit,
Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka
Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?
IPD sharing plan description
Study protocol available
Protocol version and date
Not Available
Protocol URL
Not Available
Results summary available
Date of posting results
Date of study completion
Final sample size
Date of first publication
Link to results
Brief summary of results