Home » Trials » SLCTR/2023/006
Acute effects of a single dose of L-theanine and caffeine combination on selective attention in acutely sleep-deprived healthy adults
SLCTR Registration Number
Date of Registration
The date of last modification
Jan 31, 2024
Trial Status
Scientific Title of Trial
Acute effects of a single dose of L-theanine and caffeine combination on selective attention in acutely sleep-deprived healthy adults
Public Title of Trial
Acute effects of a single dose of L-theanine and caffeine combination compared to a placebo on reaction time, and brain activity underlying selective attention in acutely sleep-deprived healthy adults.
Disease or Health Condition(s) Studied
Sleep deprived healthy adults
Scientific Acronym
Public Acronym
Brief title
Universal Trial Number
Any other number(s) assigned to the trial and issuing authority
What is the research question being addressed?
What are the effects of single dose of L-theanine, and caffeine combination compared to placebo on selective attention in healthy acutely sleep-deprived young adults?
Type of study
Study design
Non-randomized controlled trial
Double blinded : Participants, Investigators
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Intervention(s) planned
Study setting The study (behavioral and EEG tests) will be conducted in the Clinical Neurophysiology and Cognitive Neuroscience (CLINCON) laboratory at the Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. The CLINCON has the necessary testing equipment and other facilities.
The proposed study is not an RCT, rather a two-way crossover trial i.e., the same participant is given one treatment, and after a washout period, the other. The treatment order is counterbalanced in a Latin Square design (see Figure 2 on study design in the proposal). The treatment order is switched in each consecutive participant. e.g., first participant is given the active treatment first and the placebo second; and the second participant is given placebo first and the active treatment second and so on. L-theanine-caffeine combination and placebo will be administered on 2 separate days (one week apart) in a random counter-balanced order.
Intervention Active treatment: L-theanine-caffeine combination. Dose: 200mg L-theanine+160mg caffeine, powder incorporated into gelatin capsules Route: Orally Single dose, post-dose test will be carried out after 45 minutes ingestion of the active treatment Frequency- once
Control Gelatin capsule with 360mg of starch Route- Orally Single dose: post-dose test will be carried out after 45 minutes ingestion of the placebo. Frequency- once.
The proposed study is a double-blind study where both the participant and the test administrator will be blind to the treatment given. Participant will be blinded by giving all the treatments inside a capsule and the test administrator will be blinded by giving the treatment to the participant by a third person.
The subjects of the proposed study will have to strictly adhere to the following instructions. 1. Sleep at least 6 hours per night for 7 days before each testing session. 2. Avoid consumption of alcohol within 48 hours before the testing session. 3. Avoid any foods or beverages containing L-theanine or caffeine (tea, coffee, soft drinks, energy drinks of any food containing coffee) 24 hours before the testing session. 4. Washing hair, the day before or the morning of the day of testing and do not apply any hair ointments afterward (as preparation for EEG recordings). 5. Consume a light breakfast (equivalent to 4 slices of bread, 10 string hoppers, and 1 cup of rice) two hours before the test. on the day before testing, the participant will be allowed to continue their daily activities as usual and will be asked to have a 2-hour sleep after lunch. After this, the participant will be awake until the testing is finished on the following day.
On the day of testing, the subject can consume only a light breakfast (equivalent to 4 slices of bread, 10 string hoppers, and 1 cup of rice) for at least two hours before being tested. One member of the research team will maintain frequent contact with the participant to ensure that the participant is strictly following the instructions. On the day of testing, the participant will arrive at the testing place about 15 minutes before conducting the trial session. After arriving at the laboratory, the participant will be allowed to relax in the laboratory for 10 minutes. During this period, a test administrator will fill in the data sheet with relevant information to ensure that the participants had followed the instructions. Then setting up of EEG equipment will take place. This includes inserting scalp and face electrodes and connecting them to an EEG amplifier and data acquisition computer. This will take about 15 minutes. The traffic task-related oddball paradigm will be explained to the participant in their native language or any language with which they are most comfortable. Both speed and accuracy of performing the task will be emphasized to the participants to optimize outcomes. Thereafter the participants will do the pre-dose testing where they perform the visual oddball task with the EEG recording: this will constitute a 2-minute practice session followed by the actual task that lasted for about 15 min. EEG data will be recorded from the beginning of the practice session until the end of the task. After the pre-dose test, the subject will be given the treatment planned for that day. Afterward, the participant will remain seated for 45 minutes in the laboratory watching a non-stimulating documentary video of a genre they preferred (It is a routinely done procedure in these types of experiments to prevent them from getting bored). Afterward, the participant will be engaged in the post-dose test which will be identical to the Pre-dose task. After finishing the post-dose-test, the participant will be given the next appointment date and the preparation instructions; and will be allowed to leave the laboratory. Each visit will be similar except for the compound we give, which will be different on each visit.
Inclusion criteria
The participants will be, sleep-deprived healthy young adults between the age of 20-30 years recruited from the community, both male and female.The participants in this study will be acutely sleep-deprived overnight before the day of the testing. The day before testing they will only have a post-lunch siesta for 2 hours. (Further details about sleep deprivation and the test preparation protocol are given in the attached protocol).
Exclusion criteria
All individuals meeting any of the exclusion criteria at baseline will be excluded from study participation
Primary outcome(s)
Selective visual attention is the primary cognitive domain examined in the proposed experimental study. It will be evaluated by using a visual oddball paradigm. Visual stimuli will be presented, and the reactions will be recorded using the Presentation® (Neurobehavioral Systems, Inc. Albany CA) software on a Windows TM-based personal computer. At the end of the test neurobehavioral measures are recorded in the computer. Difference between active treatment and placebo in the pre-postdose changes (i.e., pre-postdose difference with active treatment minus pre-postdose difference with placebo) of following measures in the visual selective attention task: Neurobehavioral measures:
1.1. Number of hits (correct responses to targets)
1.2. Number of false alarms (active responses made for safe scenes) |
[ Pre-dose test before the administration of the active treatment/placebo and post-dose test 45 minutes after the administration of the treatment / placebo. ] |
A BioSemi Active Two EEG/ERP acquisition system with ActiView software (BioSemi, Amsterdam) will be used to acquire EEG data. Continuous EEG data will be acquired from a 32-channel electrode cap configured to international 10–20 scalp electrode placement standards. Cognitive event-related potentials (ERPs) are derived from the EEG data. ERPs waveforms are neurophysiological measures of attentive processing (P300 component) and pre-attentive processing (N1 component). Neurophysiological measures: 2.1. Latency of P300 ERP component (this corresponds to speed of attentive processing in the brain) 2.2. Amplitude of P300 ERP component (this corresponds to the amount of neural resources allocated of attentive processing of the brain) 2.3. Latency of N1 ERP component (this corresponds to the speed of pre-attentive processing of the brain) 2.4. Amplitude of N1 ERP component (this corresponds to the amount of neural resources allocated for pre-attentive processing of the brain |
[ Pre-dose test before the administration of the active treatment/placebo and post-dose test 45 minutes after the administration of the treatment / placebo. ] |
Secondary outcome(s)
None |
[] |
Target number/sample size
40 patients
Countries of recruitment
Sri Lanka
Anticipated start date
Anticipated end date
Date of first enrollment
Date of study completion
Recruitment status
Complete: follow up complete
Funding source
Peradeniya University Research Grant 2023- URG/2023/13/D
Regulatory approvals
Date of Approval
Approval number
Details of Ethics Review Committee
Name: | Ethics Review Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya. |
Institutional Address: | Ethics Review Committee of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. |
Telephone: | 081 -2396361 |
Email: |
Contact person for Scientific Queries/Principal Investigator
Prof. Tharaka Dassanayake
Professor in Neurophysiology
Department of Physiology,
Faculty of Medicine,
University of Peradeniya
Contact Person for Public Queries
Dr. Gayani Nawarathna
Lecturer (probationary)
2nd mile post malpandeniya watta, Buluruppa,Hettimulla
Primary study sponsor/organization
Faculty of Medicine, University of Peradeniya.
34 Galaha Rd, Kandy
+94 81 239 6000
+94 81 238 9106
Do the investigators plan to share identified individual clinical trial participant-level data (IPD)?
IPD sharing plan description
Study protocol available
Protocol version and date
Not Available
Protocol URL
Not Available
Results summary available
Date of posting results
Date of study completion
Final sample size
Date of first publication
Link to results
Brief summary of results