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Effectiveness of modified Whitfield’s ointment with oral griseofulvin in the treatment of dermatophytosis poorly responsive to standard treatment: A randomized, double-blind, within-patient-placebo-controlled clinical trial


A sequential feeding trial of coconut oil versus palm oil on cardio-metabolic risk factors in healthy adults


Antibiotic prophylaxis for prelabour rupture of membrane (PROM) at term in pregnant women presented to Obstetric Professorial Unit of Teaching Hospital Mahamodara- A Randomized controlled trial


A Phase 3, Multicenter, Multi-country, Open-label, Randomized, Active-controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Desidustat Versus Darbepoetin for the Treatment of Anemia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) who are not on Dialysis.


Dietary behavior of patients with urolithiasis and antiurolithic effects of selected local fruits


Burden of human leptospirosis and the effectiveness of an intervention to minimize delays in seeking treatment among patients in Monaragala district


Effectiveness of face to face physiotherapy training and education for women who are undergoing elective Cesarean section. A Randomized Controlled Trial


Design, implementation and evaluation of a community intervention to improve utilization of healthy lifestyle centers in two districts in Sri Lanka.


A non-randomized controlled before and after study to determine the effectiveness of an Illustrated Information Leaflet (IIL) on maternal practice of administering paediatric antibacterial suspensions


Effectiveness of receptive music medicine on short term symptomatic relief of Sri Lankan patients with mild to moderate depression.


- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration