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A preoperative theatre visit to reduce the anxiety: A randomized controlled trial at Colombo South Teaching Hospital
Evaluation of "GO BABY GO" child development programme among vulnerable groups in Sri Lanka - A pragmatic cluster randomised trial
Development and evaluation of a complex intervention to change the behaviour of the householders’ to prevent dengue in the Kurunegala District
The effectiveness of a Water-Safety Training Programme for undergraduates in one selected public university in Sri Lanka
A randomised controlled trial of the efficacy of activated charcoal in paracetamol overdose
Single-blind randomized control trial to evaluate the effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) in acute schizophrenia
Cost effectiveness of two preventive methods in the incidence of caries. Controlled clinical trial.
Protocol for a randomized, double blind, placebo controlled, crossover trial of melatonin for treatment of sleep disorders in patients with cirrhosis
Effectiveness of a Nutrition education intervention in improving under nutrition among elderly in Colombo District; A non-randomized controlled trial
Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial to Determine whether Pesticide Vendor Training Reduces Pesticide Self-poisoning in Rural Asia
- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration