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A Randomized controlled trial on the safety of ICP-AVRI-UOP Sri Lankan polyspecific antivenom compared to Indian AVS in patients with snakebite
A double blinded randomized control trial on the effects of standard local infiltration vs laparoscopic guided transverse abdominis plane block for pain relief in laparoscopic cholecystectomy
Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) Mucosal Immunity Boosting Trial in Kalutara District, Sri Lanka 2016
Efficacy of cimetidine compared to standard therapy in reducing dapsone induced hematological adverse effects among chronic dapsone users
The efficacy of topical phenytoin ointment on healing venous leg ulcers: a randomized double blind placebo controlled trial
Supplement effect of Cherukurinja (Gymnema lactiferum) on glycemic control and on selected biochemical and physiological parameters among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Randomized clinical trial on effectiveness of tranquilizing classical music in pain, mood and anxiety modulation in terminally ill / cancer patients
Primary Care Strategies to Reduce High Blood Pressure: A Cluster Randomized Trial in Rural Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
The influence of three months of physical exercises and verbal stimulation on functional efficiency and the ways elderly people spend their free time under institutional care – a randomized controlled study.
A randomized controlled trial on the effect of delayed cord clamping and immediate skin to skin contact between mother and baby compared to early cord clamping and early skin to skin contact on neonatal behaviour and infant development
- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration