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Zinc supplementation in obesity: a randomized, double- blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial


The comparison of toxicity between weekly and three weekly Cisplatin infusion in chemoradiation for squamous cell carcinoma of head and neck


Pilot Study - Assessing the Impact of Using a Neuromuscular Blocking Agent to Reduce Neuromuscular Junction Damage and Intermediate Syndrome in Organophosphorus (OP) Insecticide Poisoned Patients Requiring Ventilation


A Phase III, Open-label, Randomized, Multi-center Study of the Effects of Leukocyte Interleukin, Injection [Multikine] Plus Standard of Care (Surgery + Radiotherapy or Surgery + Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy) in Subjects with Advanced Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oral Cavity / Soft Palate Versus Standard of Care Only


Effect of pentoxyfylline on histological activity and fibrosis of patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis


Effectiveness of a hospital follow-up appointment system to improve clinic follow-up among ageing patients with non communicable diseases in a rural health setting


Glycaemic response to a variety of fruits as mid-morning snack among Sri Lankan patients with Diabetes Mellitus under good glycaemic control- An interventional study.


Use of prophylactic antibiotic (cefuroxime) for prelabour rupture of membranes (PROM) at term in early induction of labour


Randomized controlled parallel arm clinical trial comparing the effectiveness, safety, cost and acceptability of salbutamol aerosol inhaler and salbutamol tablet in the management of acute exacerbation of asthma in children


Aspirin for Dukes C and High Risk Dukes B Colorectal Cancers, An International, Multi-centre, Double Blind, Randomized Placebo Controlled Phase III Trial


- Protocol changed - Trial completed - Progress reports not updated - Retrospective trial - Duplicate registration